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Thursday, December 5, 2013

I have a Question

You know how, when we add a gadget on our it is asking for a title when I want to add a button using the 'Image' section. Is there any way to get through this without adding that title? I never had to do this it won't work unless I do. It isn't necessary and takes up more space.

If there is an alternative; please let me know....thank you.

This is an update...I tried taking it out while editing; doesn't work.  That was one suggestion.
I did re add a couple of them using html instead of image. that worked great, but they are large...can't shrink the picture to fit the sidebar that way.  But it did work!!
Thank you everyone for you help.


  1. I just added an html yesterday and didn't need to add a title. I wonder if they're changing things around...I hope not!

  2. What happens if you go back and just delete the title as an edit? I have not experienced this yet but will watch for it.

  3. I noticed that the other day too. I have no idea what to do.

  4. sorry this is all double dutch to me but I have noticed some of my comments are being transulated into different languages and when I queried with one blogger she said she had done it in English, maybe the gremlins are at work. Have not a clue what they have said as I speak no other languages

  5. It probably is a server or browser issue...not playing nice.
    Sounds like a glitch.

    1. try refreshing your screen
    2. use a different browser, try Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome just for starters...[there are slight differences, depending which one you are using]
    3. you may need to run a virus scan on your computer...but that is always a last resort... hate doing that....

  6. I am of no help , I can't even change my header anymore :-( Hope you get it figured out .

  7. Well, I hesitate to admit it, but I read html code. ( ! ) I am no expert on Blogger's widgets, though.

    It appears that on your page, " Title" is what's at the top of your individual boxes on the right side - About Me, Folowers, Translate etc.

    So that's probably what it's wanting. I think you can just skip that part and whatever you're trying to add should be fine.

    If you get a "You cannot pass" type error, just put a period or a dash in there. Your widget will be dropped down in it's sidebar box, but at least you'll get it to show up.

  8. I'm having similar issues. I'm planning a whole overhaul of my blog to try to fix some of these issues

  9. You would need to shrink the image beforehand in an image editor. I usually use paint, but there are better programs.

  10. in the widget properties there should be a "shrink to fit" option.. this should help them fit into the column, otherwise, the column can be widened in Template>customise>adjust widths.. as for the title, mine are all blank without issues, if it forces you to try putting in something, then taking it out later.. hope this helps , you shouldn't need any html, that would mean hosting your own images somewhere else rather than using the blogger image widget .. send me your email if you'd like to send any screenshots and I can send you some of mine too..

  11. Post your HTML hun in the blog post, I'll add the resizing dimensions for you :)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Hi Marjorie, sorry to bombard this blog post but I'm just getting right into html myself :) I hope this code posts okay but I've adjusted the height and width values for a few of the images.. try the code if you like.. it should constrain it to the 155 pixel width, i've just worked out the height for each image.. anyways, if you want to have a play with my adjusted code, have a look below, hopefully it makes sense!

    .. I had to save it to my Google Drive docs here:

    Take Care
