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Shepody's Quilter/Hand Quilting Services...send me your quilt top...I'll hand quilt it for you.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Still Tryin To Catch Up

Hello folks...I am finding it hard to get back in here sometimes.  I guess my tools are a bit outdated.
I've had to get creative with hubby's laptop instead of my iPad. I am, again and will show you
a few  things I've been up to.  Then I hope to get around to visit your blogs...

This is one I custom made for a friends daughters wedding this summer.
This I made for our second great grand daughter arriving in Oct.
This belongs to a client, who paper pieced the quilt ad I hand quilted it.
I am having trouble finding my pics on this lap top right, i will
be back at another time.  Stay safe and have a wonderful day folks.  I am also 
working hand quilting another custom order as we at a later date,


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